Journey of life: Waiting- Afield at Dusk

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Waiting- Afield at Dusk

I have always loved Robert Frost's poems for the depth in meaning and the beautiful description of nature and natural phenomena. The first Frost Poem I read was "Mending Wall" and the next was "The Road not Taken". Both these are counted among the best pieces of English poetry.

Recently, I was going through one of his collections called "A Boy's Will" and I read this poem called "Waiting- Afield at Dusk". This poem is beautifully scripted and the description of dusk and twilight is wonderful. The theme, "Waiting", is interesting and I think the last two lines of the poem are the best.

Waiting- Afield at Dusk

WHAT things for dream there are when spectre-like,
Moving among tall haycocks lightly piled,
I enter alone upon the stubble field,
From which the laborers’ voices late have died,
And in the antiphony of afterglow 5

And rising full moon, sit me down
Upon the full moon’s side of the first haycock
And lose myself amid so many alike.
I dream upon the opposing lights of the hour,
Preventing shadow until the moon prevail; 10

I dream upon the night-hawks peopling heaven,
Each circling each with vague unearthly cry,
Or plunging headlong with fierce twang afar;
And on the bat’s mute antics, who would seem
Dimly to have made out my secret place, 15

Only to lose it when he pirouettes,
And seek it endlessly with purblind haste;
On the last swallow’s sweep; and on the rasp
In the abyss of odor and rustle at my back,
That, silenced by my advent, finds once more, 20

After an interval, his instrument,
And tries once—twice—and thrice if I be there;
And on the worn book of old-golden song
I brought not here to read, it seems, but hold
And freshen in this air of withering sweetness; 25

But on the memory of one absent most,
For whom these lines when they shall greet her eye.


Blogger Kate said...

Frost is a great poet. My favorite by him is "Acquainted With The Night"

3:18 PM, January 17, 2005  
Blogger Abhimanyu said...

Oh yes, Kate. That's a beautiful poem.

For others:

4:09 PM, January 17, 2005  
Blogger Vinod said...

yeah Frost totally rocks, my favourite is 'stopping by the woods on a snowy evening'

second time I changed the link on my blogroll btw! Hope you're sticking to this address!!!

9:49 AM, January 18, 2005  
Blogger Abhimanyu said...


Thanks da. I'll stick to this...I promise!! :P

1:06 PM, January 18, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is so good!

11:16 PM, August 04, 2020  

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